The Day in 100 Seconds
This video is compliments of Talking Points Memo: [youtube][/youtube]
This video is compliments of Talking Points Memo: [youtube][/youtube]
My conference wrapped up today. Tomorrow, they would have had to drag me onto a plane back to St. Louis, except that I miss my family so much. I'll leave willingly, but with some sadness. I've also fallen hopelessly in love with Oregon. Lots of bicycle commuters. Lots of free…
Sarah Palin has mocked medical research involving fruit flies in her attempt to convince us that she is stepping up to help special needs children. This is mind-blowingly stupid. This race should be 90 to 10 Obama, but somehow America's ultraconservatives cling to Palin despite her proud lack of curiosity.
Jon Stewart discusses Sarah Palin's new clothes here:
Chris Matthews understands the problem. The Vice-President is not "in charge" of the Senate. Even McCain's own policy advisers know that Palin's abject ignorance of the VP's job duties and her recently disclosed extravagance are, finally, putting the McCain campaign where it should have been many months ago: in the…