Science will be welcomed in the Obama White House

Yes, science is back!  In Obama, we will have a President who appreciates the power of science to understand the world and fix the world, not merely to spy on the world or to blow up the world.  That's the report from Think Progress: SCIENCE IS BACK: The choice of Chu, a…

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Shopper trampled in the name of Jesus

Well, it's "Black Friday" again.  It's time to check out the news. In their attempts to buy trinkets to celebrate the birth of Jesus, Wal-Mart shoppers broke through the stores's exterior doors and trampled a Wal-Mart employee, who died during the incident. [youtube][/youtube] Yes, there's lots of irony (and sadness)…

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Metaphors at work: the connection between warm temperature and warm personality

I've previously posted on the work of Mark Johnson and George Lakoff, who have argued that human thought is often metaphorical.  Johnson and Lakoff have used numerous examples of our use of language to demonstrate that human cognition is often a metaphorical extension of sensorimotor experience. I've been collecting experimental…

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About Thanksgiving

Do you want to celebrate the modern sanitized version of Thanksgiving, or do you want to make a little ruckus with some Thanksgiving straight talk around the dinner table? It's one of my unprovable articles of faith that one of the most valuable gifts I give others is to be…

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