Sex education in Texas

Huffpo offers some disturbing information from the Texas approach to "sex education."

Texas lawmakers cut sex ed from two six-month courses to a single unit of "abstinence only" education. But early indications showed that the program wasn't working. In fact, teens in almost all high school grades were having more sex after undergoing the abstinence only program. By 2007, Texas had the highest teen birth rate in the nation.
Texas now has the highest teen birth rate in the nation, and Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas who is leading the abstinence crusade in Texas, now wants to be President of the U.S. The Huffpo article mentions a segment of the abstinence-only training some of the young Texans are receiving in a PUBLIC school:
"Things to Look for in a Mate:" I. How they relate to God A. Is Jesus their first love? B. Trying to impress people or serve God?

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Penance At Other’s Expence: The Hypocrisy of Anti-Choice

Rick Santorum exudes an unbelievable hypocrisy over abortion.  You can read the article here. Basically, Mr. Santorum has it in mind to use the law to prohibit a medical procedure his wife had to go through in order to save her life.  As the piece makes clear, in October of 1996, Karen Santorum underwent an abortion in the 19th week of pregnancy in order to save her life from an infected fetus.  She had a 105 degree temperature.  She would have died without the procedue. Santorum would make that option illegal.  Basically, his position seems to be that sacrificing his wife for the fetus would be his choice now.  This overlooks the fact that had they not done the procedure, the fetus would not have survived, either.  He would have lost both.  Sacrifices to his conscience, which seems incapable of the kind of triage humans must make all the time. Well and good, some people just can’t go there.  But this man is running for president.  He intends that his personal inability to cope be made a national policy of denying anyone the choice of coping. [More . . . ]

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Vitter went a whoring

I wrote the following poem to commemorate the ongoing rampant hypocrisy. Tim Hogan -- Rep. Vitter (R-LA) went a “DC Madam” whoring, he was elected US Senator and the GOP found it boring. Rep. Weiner tweeted his clothed wang, the GOP made it into a big thang! Sen. Craig (R-ID) had a “wide stance” but, the GOP said; “so what?” to his advance. Rep. Weiner tweeted his clothed wang, the GOP made it into a big thang! The National Republican Campaign Committee twice went a Vegas sex clubbing, the GOP gave it no drubbing. Rep. Weiner tweeted his clothed wang, the GOP made it into a big thang! The RNC youth went to club featuring bondage and had its fill; the GOP didn’t blink an eye paying the bill! Rep. Weiner tweeted his clothed wang; the GOP made it into a big thang! Gov. Mark Sanford (R-NC) went a “hiking;” the GOP still kept its liking! Rep. Weiner tweeted his clothed wang, the GOP made it into a big thang! Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) preyed upon a married staffer; to the GOP, it was a laugher! Rep. Weiner tweeted his clothed wang, the GOP made it into a big thang! Rep. Jim Gibbons (R-NV) pushed and threatened a server when rebuffed, the GOP elected him Governor, the charges were stuffed! Rep. Weiner tweeted his clothed wang, the GOP made it into a big thang! Reps. Bunn (R-OR), Burton (R-IN), Calvert (R-CA), Dan Crane (R-IL), Chenoweth (R-ID), Gingrich (R-GA), Hyde (R-IL), Scmitz (R-CA) and Sherwood (R-PA) cheated and lied; the GOP just sighed. Rep. Weiner tweeted his clothed wang, the GOP made it into a big thang! Sen. Thurmond (R-SC) had knowledge of his family’s “colored” maid, had a child and about the races the Senator ranted and raved; the GOP and the South were saved! Weiner tweeted his clothed wang, the GOP made it into a big thang! The Republicans have cheated, whored and upon women and children preyed, all the while politics they’ve played. Me, I’m just dismayed. [And here's a one-stop source for Republican sex scandals]

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Weiner episode raises questions about online flirting with strangers.

Over at, William Saletan uses the recent scandal involving Anthony Weiner to explore the propriety of online flirtation with people one has never met.   Does this sort of activity constitute cheating on one's significant other?   Saletan offers a thoughtful and serious discussion that meshes well with another recurring question these days:  to what extent are those Facebook "Friends" I've never met my friends?  If not much, then it would seem that our time with them amounts to social masturbation, and not any meaningful expression of friendship. In the case of Weiner, I do think it's telling that that he claims that he was not cheating, and he was not engaged in "relationships," yet he was willing to lie to cover up what he was doing.   But maybe that raises another provocative question:  Just because one would rather not be exposed for doing an activity, is that any evidence at all that the activity is morally wrong?   Is social condemnation always an indicia of moral lapse.  After all, quite often the crowd is simply judgmental.   Or maybe the onlookers are simply permeated with schadenfreude. I know people who have been married for decades who don't talk to each other, and who don't really know each other, yet they officially have a marriage.  Why is this situation not condemned?  Isn't it a farce?  On the other hand, I know many people who are married, who sincerely admit that they can't and shouldn't expect that they could have all of their diverse needs and interests met by only one other human being.   Hence, in the face of a strong relationship at home, they have a wide variety of outside friends (often friends of both sexes) that they spend time with regarding those things their significant other isn't passionate about, whether it be photography, history, raising dogs or whatever.  Sometimes that interest is flirtation; sometimes even sex.  I'm not suggesting any sort of lesson here, but what gives the crowd the right to judge a particular marriage that, in its own crazy-seeming way, seems to work? And how could anyone concerned about this country not be dismayed, once again, when a sexually-tinged side show takes 90% of the media's attention, such that real issues are not given proper coverage.  Could this be solved by requiring members of Congress to stand up naked while they give speeches on important topics?   How could we focus media attention on Wall Street corruption or the massive amount of money we spend of discretionary warmongering and, instead, encourage viewers to talk about these things intensely, to the same extent that we are all now jabbering about a horny man who has otherwise done an admirable job of being a thoughtful representative?   I have no answer to this question.

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Read more about the article Makeup is the new girdle.
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Makeup is the new girdle.

I stopped wearing cosmetics a few months ago, after about half a year of using the stuff only sparingly. I started weaning myself off makeup because I had come to hate the hassle of applying it, and because I hated fretting about my appearance. I was also beginning to think of makeup as old-fashioned, an antiquated 'modesty' that inspires shame in one's true appearance. The longer I go without a cosmetic product on my face, the more I believe that makeup needs to go the way of the girdle. The restrictive, uncomfortable, needless, obsolete girdle. How many undergarments are you wearing right now? I'm guessing two at most. Likewise, I only wear two small undergarments below my clothes, even on the most formal occasions. Interview? Presentation? Class? Wedding? A bra and underwear are always adequate. Since I've never had to wear more than two undergarments, I find it staggering that women used to wear massive bras, high-waisted underwear, girdles, pantyhose or stockings, garter belts, slips, and camisoles. I often wear less than that as a full outfit. Anyone who knows me in real life can confirm that I regularly step out in leggings and a t-shirt (plus two small undergarments beneath). I don't say this to titilate, just to illustrate, because I suspect my bare-bones attire is quickly becoming the norm. I've spent a lot of time on college campuses- big and small, public and private, Jesuit and blessedly godless. Everywhere I've seen legions of women and girls decked out in equal or greater states of undress than my own. Gone are the girdles. [More . . . ]

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