Think solar, U.S.

Scientific American has just published a comprehensive article on how to switch the United States substantially over to sunlight. The headline: "By 2050 solar power could end U.S. dependence on foreign oil and slash greenhouse gas emissions." The cost of this immense clean-energy-producing plan would be $420 billion. That's a HUGE…

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Latest on Warrantless Wiretap Technology

I remember when the FBI unleashed their "Carnivore" internet monitoring system in the 1990's. Everyone was up in arms because the FBI could listen in to all email and run it through filters to store a database of all emails containing suspicious phrases, or from specific addresses. The controversy got…

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Searching Dangerous Intersection (or anything else) with Google’s Advanced Search

Dangerous intersection is now more than 1 1/2 years old.  We currently have a couple dozen active authors who have contributed 1,500 posts on 60 categories.  These posts have drawn almost 7,000 comments.  Many of these posts (I'm guessing perhaps one-third of them) make reference to news of the day,…

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Content-aware image resizing

Check out this video. [youtube][/youtube] Isn't this exciting? This new technique is called seam carving. Seam carving is an image resizing algorithm developed by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir. This algorithm alters the dimensions of an image not by scaling or cropping, but rather by intelligently removing pixels from (or…

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