The chase is on

This video shows a neutrophil, a type of white blood cell, chasing down and engulfing a bacteria in the midst of field of red blood cells. Amazing agility, considering that the neutrophil is a single-celled organism! Visit this post to go one even one step deeper. Or check out "Powers of Ten" for ramping up or down in your search for awe.

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The myth of the 50 percent divorce rate

At Salon, Margaret Eby discusses marriage with Tara Parker-Pope, who has written a new book, "For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage." In one paragraph, Parker-Pope puts the myth of the 50% divorce rate to bed:

The 50 percent divorce rate is really a myth. The 20-year divorce rate for couples who got married in the 1980s is actually around 19 percent. Everyone thinks marriage is such a struggle and it’s shocking to hear that marriage is actually going strong today. It has to do with how you look at the statistic. If the variables were constant, then a simple equation might work to come up with the divorce rate. But a lot of things are changing. And it is true that there are groups of people who have a 50 percent divorce rate: college dropouts who marry under the age of 25, for example. Couples married in the 1970s have a 30-year divorce rate of about 47 percent. A person who got married in the 1970s had a completely different upbringing and experience in life from someone who got married in the 1990s. It's been very clear that divorce rates peaked in the 1970s and has been going down ever since.

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Tell me about my house

I recently learned about a data-rich site focusing on real estate: Would you like to know about your own house, for instance, would you like to know what it's worth? Then type your own address into the home page field. You'll also find lots of information about your neighbors' homes. Looking for a home? Zillow will help you with that too

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