Jane Goodall discusses the future of chimpanzees

In the July 2010 edition of Nature (available online only to subscribers) Jane Goodall calls for urgent action to save chimpanzees "our closest living relatives," from extinction in the wild. It never ceases to amaze me that humans will go to great lengths to wonder about and investigate whether even the smallest life form exists on another planet, yet we allow a dwindling populations of amazing animals to perish on our own planet. We just can't stop increasing the numbers of human animals on this planet, even as our water and soil are being depleted worldwide. We can't even talk about this issue. We just can't stop expanding into the last few patches of jungle in order to chop down the habitats of other animals in order to grow more food to feed more humans, all the while proclaiming that we "care" about preserving the environment and that the last thing we would do is to steal from our children. Nonetheless, we are stealing our children's opportunity to live on a planet that includes natural populations of chimpanzees. When I think about how we are killing off so many species of plants and animals, it distresses me; it even makes me feel sick. It's hard for me to hide my frustration and to think positively, because the news is 95% bad. Everywhere, the news is the same: humans are expanding into new areas, forcing out and destroying native plants and animals. We are destroying a planet that we claim to treasure. Jane Goodall is working harder than I am to keep an upbeat attitude, at least in public, even though she sees the decimation of chimpanzee communities up close and first-hand. She is also making real progress to encourage the world to change its ways in order to preserve chimpanzee habitats. Fifty years ago, she traveled to Gombe Stream National Park to observe its then-large populations of chimpanzees. In the 50 years since her arrival, she has ceaselessly engaged in research, education, advocacy and fundraising. What is so special about chimpanzees? Why should humans care more about chimpanzees?

As analytical methods have evolved, work with the chimpanzees of Gombe has provided a profound understanding of humans' relationship with animals. From this and research elsewhere we now know, for example, of numerous similarities between human and chimpanzee brain structures and any insistence, and how alike the two species are genetically: there is about 1.5% difference between human and chimpanzee DNA. There are striking parallels between chimpanzee and human non-verbal communication: an embrace, holding hands and a pat on the back mean essentially the same thing in both species. We also understand much about the intellectual abilities of chimpanzees and the complexity of their motions, which seem remarkably like ours. . . . as our knowledge about chimpanzees has increased, their existence has come under increasing threat.

In 1900, there were more than 1 billion chimpanzees in Africa; today, despite all our achievements, fewer than 300,000 remain in the wild, many in fragmented and isolated populations. Some conservationists have suggested the species will be extinct in the wild in 30 years.

Goodall wrote this article in nature and to promote the work of TACARE, which has integrated traditional conservation approaches with a range of environmentally sustainable rural development strategies. Goodall notes that thanks to efforts of many organizations, including TACARE, "although population and the rate of deforestation nearly doubled between 1991 and 2003, more recent satellite images suggests that deforestation is finally beginning to slow." This is not good news, but it's smaller amounts of bad news, which is a glimmer of hope.

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Varieties of life under the sea

I am continually amazed at the wide variety of shapes of plant and animal life. Today, I ran across this series of photos of sea life, some of it from the deep sea. If I had been asked to design a new underwater life form, my imagination would not possibly have been able to concoct functioning animals like these. It's incredible that each of these life forms continues to live today, the successor to a long series of earlier and simpler life forms.

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Mobile intestines

Several new species of deep sea creatures have been discovered. It's incredible that any form of life can survive at such depths. I couldn't help but think of the phrase "mobile intestinal tracts" when viewing some of these. I'm sure that's oversimplifying, but based on these images, some of these creatures don't seem to have much more going on than a stomach that moves. Which is how I think of some human beings . . .

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Not a spider

I spotted this "daddy longlegs" this weekend, and switched my camera to its macro setting for this photo (click the photo for a much expanded and detailed version): img_28361 I looked it up today on Wikipedia and found out, to my surprise, that this animal is not technically a spider (even though it is an arachnid). Rather than a "spider" daddy longlegs are "harvestmen," belonging to the order Opiliones (spiders belong to the order "aranea."

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