New on PBS: Neil Shubin’s “Your Inner Fish.”

Back in 2008, I read Neil Shubin's book, "Your Inner Fish." I posted on it here. PBS has worked with Shubin to present a documentary that covers and expands on Shubin's work. What a great compliment to Neil deGrasse Tyson's Cosmos. You won't want to miss this. It's a story about plasticity, about how your body is bursting with evidence of your animal ancestors.  Another reason to watch this: Shubin's enthusiasm is contagious.

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The sickness of creationism

At Slate, Mark Stern argues that creationism is dangerous:

Creationists reject not just evolution but most of the Enlightenment and pretty much all intellectual development since. Rather than celebrate the brilliance of the human mind, they disparage free thought as dangerous and sinful. Instead of extolling the virtues of creativity and imagination, they malign all unorthodox ideas as immoral and wicked. For all creationists’ insistence that evolution denigrates humanity, creationism is fundamentally anti-human, commanding us to spurn our own logic and cognition in favor of absurd sophism derived from a 3,000-year-old text. It turns our greatest ability—to reason—into our greatest enemy. Using our brains, according to creationism, will lead us to sin; only mindless piety can keep us on the track to salvation. It’s easy to scoff at all this, to giggle at the vivid weirdness of young Earth creationism and then shrug it off as an isolated cult. But the 40 percent of Americans who reject evolution, as well as the tens of thousands of children or more who are being brainwashed with it in publicly funded classrooms, aren’t laughing
A friend of mind was raised as a fundamentalist, but he was also a relentless questioner. As an adult he questioned his beliefs until there were cracks in the foundation. He is now a free-thinker who describes his fundamentalist state of mind as follows: "I was taught to be afraid to question. It was like there was an electrified fence built around my religious beliefs, and I would be risking death to question those beliefs." The man I'm speaking of is a ferociously smart man, but mere intelligence is not enough. It wasn't logic that causes people to be fundamentalists, and therefore logic and facts will not undo the damage. That is certainly my experience. I have much to say about religion and what it takes to communicate meaningfully with believers in my five-part series, "Mending Fences."

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