The bad things about religions

New article at Raw Story is titled, "These are the 12 worst ideas religion has unleashed on the world." If only religions would divest themselves of these tendencies. But then, if they did so, they wouldn't be considered religions. Chosen People Heretics Holy War Blasphemy – Blasphemy is the notion that some ideas are inviolable, off limits to criticism, satire, debate, or even question. Glorified suffering Genital mutilation Blood sacrifice Hell Karma Eternal Life Male Ownership of Female Fertility Bibliolatry (aka Book Worship)

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The Onion explores the evolution of God.

According to The Onion:

"Challenging long-held views on the origins of divinity, biologists at the University of California, Berkeley, presented findings Thursday that confirm God, the Almighty Creator of the Universe, evolved from an ancient chimpanzee deity. The recently discovered sacred ancestor, a divine chimp species scientists have named Pan sanctorum, reportedly gave rise over millions of years to the Lord Our God, Maker of Heaven and Earth."

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Transubstantiation disproven

Explosive headline concerning the alleged transubstantiation. Here's the title and opening sentence:

Vatican reeling as DNA tests show communion wafers contain 0% Christ The Vatican is this morning facing a further crisis after routine DNA tests revealed that the communion wafers used in Sunday mass contain 0% of the body and blood of Christ.

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