Is God merely an imaginary friend for adults?

Earlier this week, I was watching one of the Christian-content religious channels on television (there are two such 'church channels' in my city) and I was listening to the televangelist say that "even if you have no friends in this world, God will be your friend."  Immediately after hearing these…

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Are human animals special?

Thanks to Jason for his provocative post, Wither Thou Goest. Are we "special?"  What does that mean?  To say that every species is special is the same as saying that no species is special.  I would therefore say that I agree with BOTH of these statements.  You choose.  Your choice…

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Wither Thou Goest…

Since the trial in Dover, PA over Intelligent Design, it must be obvious hat nothing was really settled other than a specific legal question.  I think it would be a good idea for every one interested in this issue to find and read the decision handed down by the judge. …

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