Jesus Camp – How to train young children to be “soldiers in God’s army.”

I haven't seen "Jesus Camp" yet, but I plan to.  This is an ABC documentary on Jesus Camp.  Personally, I'd flunk out of camp because I'd have a hard time praying in the company of a facade of George W. Bush, as though he were a leader sent specially by…

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The Onion and the transubstantiation

Rather than describe The Onion's most recent sacrilege, you can take a look here.  Remember, if you so much as smirk, you will have paved your own ultimate path to hell.  I've written very little on the doctrine of the transubstantiation, the topic of this Onion article.  This surprises me, because the…

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Yet another chink in the creationist armor

Archeologists in Ethiopia reported yesterday the discovery of a 3.3 million-year-old fossil humanoid: It will be amusing to see how creationists write off this discovery.  Perhaps by "finding" yet another "gap" in the fossil record?

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Face of the Future? One of the difficulties of carrying on dialogue with some folks is the cloying urge to stop being polite and just explode with a perfunctory "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?"  This is my reaction when I hear or read enough of the kind of thing to be found…

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