Teaching Evolution, the Battle for Florida

Now Florida has joined the Creationism debate. In brief: Florida’s public-school students for years have been studying "biological changes over time," but proposed revisions in state science standards would for the first time use another term for that concept: evolution. Let the games begin. Letter writers are up in arms…

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Romney’s Testament

Mitt Romney has made it clear that he intends to serve the law first, his religion second. That he feels he ought not to have to justify his religious beliefs in order to run for president of the United States. The parallels to John F. Kennedy’s Houston speech are dripping…

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This just in…prayer doesn’t work.

While doing the research for my previous post, A Slaughterhouse of One's Own: A community confronts Santeria, I came across several explanations of exactly how animal sacrifice works in this religion, physically and metaphorically speaking. The animal is bound and its throat is cut. The carotid artery is sliced with…

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Under the guise of “freedom of religion,” Romney takes a cheap swipe at non-believers

Mitt Romney doesn't want to be discriminated against on the basis of his personal beliefs. He wants it so bad that he decided to badmouth all people who don't give homage to invisible supernatural sentient beings: As expected, [Romney's] speech itself was a delicate tightrope walk. He evoked the patriotism of…

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