That disconnect between Catholics and their Church

At Daylight Atheism, Ebonmuse discusses the disconnect between the Catholic Church and lay Catholics: To judge by some recent news articles, the Catholic church, which at least used to stand for good education, has become infected with the same anti-intellectual disease that pervades so many sects of evangelical Protestantism. What…

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Montana judge sticks her neck out for terminally ill patients

Let's see . . . who should have the final say over whether a terminally ill person has suffered enough and should be allowed to check out of life Earth.  Based on the debacle involving Terry Schiavo I'm betting that the country will be split down the middle in this…

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The things that bother us

Tonight I’m feeling anxious about the possibility of an immense economic collapse.  I’ve been reading about lots of people being laid off.  Most of us with 401K’s are afraid to even look at our quarterly statements.  The country is running out of fossil fuel and there isn’t anything realistic to…

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Ebert reviews ‘Expelled’

And how! Observe: The more you know about evolution, or simple logic, the more you are likely to be appalled by the film. No one with an ability for critical thinking could watch more than three minutes without becoming aware of its tactics. It isn't even subtle. Mmm, that's good…

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Jesus and the Wise Men of Osirus

Look up into the sky on a winters night, and put yourself into an astrological frame of mind. This is how the best and the brightest of mankind saw the unreachable, unfathomable universe until the last couple of dozen generations. It does not take long to notice a line of…

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