Dale McGowan Came to Town

Actually, Dale "Parenting Beyond Belief" McGowan spent his first 10 years here. On his blog, "The Meming of Life" he has a speaking schedule posted. When he posted a solid date in my town, I posted about it and sent emails. So yesterday I drove out to the local Humanist…

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The Eye Has It

The journal Evolution: Education and Outreach has posted, online, free, an entire issue on the evolution of the eye.  The eye is one of those sticking points in the ongoing debate with antievolutionists.  Its complexity, its improbability, its seeming miraculous advent seems to point directly to interventionist manifestation. Admittedly, it…

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Christian Libeler Threatening to Sue Atheist for Exposure

I am not one to encourage a lawsuit, and am no expert in the law. But if you read the details about this suit, you might want to give to the cause. In brief, a Creationist posted a long monologue rehashing many long-disproved arguments claiming to be original and irrefutable…

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