Foot in the door effect
This video makes the point that you might want to get your foot in the door before seeking the full measure of what you seek.
This video makes the point that you might want to get your foot in the door before seeking the full measure of what you seek.
Everyone on a date with someone who is attractive struggles, at least occasionally. The head fights the heart. But this struggle actually happens in many contexts. I enjoyed this animation.
I enjoyed this primer on super-stimuli by Gregory Ciotti, titled "Is Your Brain Truly Ready for Junk Food, Porn, or the Internet?" Super stimuli, featuring the work of Niko Tinbergen. He discovered that we can hijack animal's instincts beyond their evolutionary purpose.
A growing number of psychologists – particularly the younger generation – are fed up with results that don’t replicate, journals that value story-telling over truth, and an academic culture in which researchers treat data as their personal property. Psychologists are realising that major scientific advances will require us to stamp out malpractice, face our own weaknesses, and overcome the ego-driven ideals that maintain the status quo.
By now, I'm sure, many people know about the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham. Only 9% of respondents apparently saw Ham as the winner. Of course that won't be the end of it.