Foot in the door effect
This video makes the point that you might want to get your foot in the door before seeking the full measure of what you seek.
This video makes the point that you might want to get your foot in the door before seeking the full measure of what you seek.
I enjoyed this primer on super-stimuli by Gregory Ciotti, titled "Is Your Brain Truly Ready for Junk Food, Porn, or the Internet?" Super stimuli, featuring the work of Niko Tinbergen. He discovered that we can hijack animal's instincts beyond their evolutionary purpose.
By now, I'm sure, many people know about the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham. Only 9% of respondents apparently saw Ham as the winner. Of course that won't be the end of it.
We don't always remember how things were, but how we need them to be. Here's new evidence reported by NPR, titled, Our Brains Rewrite Our Memories, Putting Present In The Past":
Think about your fifth-birthday party. Maybe your mom carried the cake. What did her face look like? If you have a hard time imagining the way she looked then rather than how she looks now, you're not alone. The brain edits memories relentlessly, updating the past with new information. Scientists say that this isn't a question of having a bad memory. Instead, they think the brain updates memories to make them more relevant and useful now — even if they're not a true representation of the past.I've written a lot more about memory research here.
Here are twenty things mentally strong people don't do. I do like this list- go to the article to read more. Many of these have to do with worrying about what others would think. 1. Dwelling On The Past 2. Remaining In Their Comfort Zone 3. Not Listening To The Opinions Of Others 4. Avoiding Change 5. Keeping A Closed Mind 6. Letting Others Make Decisions For Them 7. Getting Jealous Over The Successes Of Others 8. Thinking About The High Possibility Of Failure 9. Feeling Sorry For Themselves 10. Focusing On Their Weaknesses 11. Trying To Please People 12. Blaming Themselves For Things Outside Their Control 13. Being Impatient 14. Being Misunderstood 15. Feeling Like You’re Owed 16. Repeating Mistakes 17. Giving Into Their Fears 18. Acting Without Calculating 19. Refusing Help From Others 20. Throwing In The Towel