Except for FOX, journalists barred from Guantanamo

According to the Indianapolis Star, the reporting from Guantanamo will be less diverse: Now, the Pentagon has shut down access entirely -- at least temporarily -- expelling reporters this week and triggering an outcry from human rights groups, attorneys and media organizations even as the prison comes under renewed criticism…

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How analogue progressives frustrate binary neocons

Analog: any variable signal continuous in both time and amplitude. It differs from a digital signal in that small fluctuations in the signal are meaningful.

Binary: compounded or consisting of or marked by two things or parts.

You know that feeling of resentment that wells up inside when someone enters your space and dumps chores on you?  It breeds a lot of resentment.  That’s how neo-conservatives feel about progressives. Neo-cons hiss and spit when they speak of progressives because progressives try to dump lots of extra work on neo-cons. 

What kind of work, you ask?  The work of actually having to get to know people before judging them.  It’s a lot of work.  No wonder conservatives express such animosity toward progressives!

For the next minute, step inside the collective mind of the neocon . . .

We had to retaliate against Iraqis when people from Saudi Arabia attacked us.  Sometimes you need to show those people who’s in charge.

I check in with conservative talk radio quite often.  In the privacy of my SUV, my radio reminds me that all unmarried mothers are failures.  All welfare recipients are trash, of course.  All drug addicts should be thrown in prison for a lonngg time.  Well, except for Rush.  All immigrants should be kept out of the U.S.A.  Who the hell do they think they are, trying to get what we have. 

Homosexuals?  They are clearly immoral.  Criminals, actually. . . guilty of something.  Do I actually know any gay


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Letter to members of congress re: intelligent thought

On June 16, 2006, the sixteen scientists who contributed essays to Intelligent Thought: Science versus the Intelligent Design Movement, wrote a letter to Congress, sending a copy of the book along with the letter. The scientists asked members of congress to consider the message of the book, which focuses on…

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The One-Percent Doctrine

The “One Percent Doctrine” is the title of a new book by Ron Suskind about the so-called “strategic thinking” of our current presidential administration. In case you are still wondering why we attacked Iraq, and you don’t buy any of the president’s ever-changing explanations, you might want to check out…

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Theists don’t all believe “in the same God”: A demonstration.

It’s time to dispel the notion that theists all believe “in the same God.” Based on my experience, they don’t all believe in the same God.  Yes, they use the same label, “God,” but that label hides the numerous striking and intense disagreements believers have with each other.

From now on, when anyone claims that all believers believe in the same God, I’m going to ask that person to answer this handy list of twenty questions with regard to their God:

  1. Is your God a man or a woman (or something like an XXY or XYY?
  2. Does your God have a son named Jesus?
  3. Is your God a sentient caring being or just a first cause?
  4. Did your God inspire the writings of the Bible?
  5. Does your God deem the Catholic Church the only legitimate church?
  6. Does your God hold that non-believers are unfit for public office?
  7. Did your God provide for an afterlife, a heaven and a hell?
  8. Does your God speak English?
  9. Does your God send gay people to hell
  10. Does your God prefer the Red Sox or the Yankees (or some other team)?
  11. Did your God rig nature to evolve new species without further intervention by Him?
  12. Was your God offended when He saw Janet Jackson’s nipple on TV?
  13. Does your God literally require that any person doing any work on the Sabbath “shall be put to death”? [See Exodus 35:2]
  14. Did your God want Terri Schiavo kept on life support?
  15. Does your God consider an un-implanted

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