Tom DeLay cuts and runs

Remember Tom DeLay -- former Texas Republican (and self-proclaimed born-again Christian) who was the Majority Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives until a corruption scandal forced him to resign from office?  Well, he now says he is a resident of Virginia, not Texas.  Why?  Because he won the Republican primary…

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Why do people so often see in others what they desperately need to see in themselves?

Earlier today, President Bush said it was "disgraceful" that the news media (i.e., the New York Times, LA Times & Wall Street Journal) disclosed his secret CIA program to illegally wiretap millions of financial records at the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication ("SWIFT") to search for terrorist suspects.  Likewise,…

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How much more evidence do we need that Republicans are gaming Iraq purely for political gain?

I've been watching to see what the Bush Administration will do for its "October surprise" to give Republicans a boost in the polls just before the November mid-term elections.  According to this article (, the Whitehouse appears to be planning sharp troop withdrawals starting in September.  After more than two…

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FCC again inviting big corporations to take more control of the media

The Federal Communications Commission and industry lobbyists are once again trying to let huge media companies get even bigger by resurrecting the same rule changes that millions of Americans rejected in 2003. It's hard to believe that anyone at the FCC could actually be considering the welfare of the American people…

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