The “war on terror” is a bad metaphor

According to this post by George Soros on Huffpo, four factors ensure that the alleged “war on terror” cannot be won. Calling the problem a “war” Invites killing innocent victims; It prevents the U.S. from differentiating among organizations that should be treated differently.  It overemphasizes the need for military action…

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The Gardener of Eden

I know who Mrs. Cain was.  We don't talk about her or her family much, but things just wouldn't have been paradise without her or them. She was one of the many illegal immigrants in Paradise that did the actual work of tending the Garden of Eden--you know, the hoeing,…

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Just On The Chance We May Be Wrong…

The Bill passed by congress on the detainee and interrogation issue is one of the more frustrating examples of Democratic cowardice and political expedience.  It does not substantively change anything.  Personally, I feel the only utility in having a law in the first place is to use as a cudgel…

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For Iraq veterans: our gratitude is a poor substitute for taking the time to understand

Charles Anderson served in Iraq, but he doesn't want to be thanked. I did nothing in Iraq I consider honorable. I was a scared kid riding into a battle I didn't understand. Our convoys streamed past thousands of starving children and people needing medical attention. Our tanks fired into villages…

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Bush refuses to answer whether he held any meeting regarding Bin Laden for 9 months after Clinton left office

Here’s the video. Lots of heat and no light.  That seems to be Bush's strategy these days.  He gets himself all bent out of shape over a question that was not asked. I’ll translate the gibberish you hear out of Bush’s mouth: “Did I hold any such meetings? No.” What…

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