Bush Administration continues to repress inconvenient science

As reported by the NYT, President Bush touts the virtues science,” but this really means science that buttresses its own political agenda. But when some truly independent science comes along to threaten that agenda, the administration often ignores or minimizes it. The latest example involves the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to…

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To Senator Jim Talent: stop playing God on the stem cell issue

Such arrogance, to oppose the possibility that others with horrendous diseases might be helped by stem cell research. This commercial is aimed at the campaign of Rep. James Walsh. It applies equally to Senator Jim Talent of Missouri. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4tFk9WLjwM[/youtube] "How come he thinks he gets to decide who lives and…

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New Book: The White House disses conservative Christian allies

According to this article by the NYT: A former deputy director of the White House office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives is charging that many members of the Bush administration privately dismiss its conservative Christian allies as “boorish” and “nuts.” The former deputy director, David Kuo, an evangelical Christian conservative,…

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McCaskill now leading Talent for Missouri Senate Race

According to today's new poll, a hotly contested Missouri U.S. Senate Seat May 'Flip' from Republican to Democrat.  Democrat Claire McCaskill's site reports today's poll results: In an election for United States Senator from Missouri today, 10/12/06, Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill leads Republican incumbent Jim Talent 51% to 42%, according to a…

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The price of Iraqi “freedom” is much higher than advertised. The U.S. suppresses stats on dead Iraqis and maimed Americans

Here are two disturbing pieces from DemocracyNow.org: The Co-Author of a Medical Study is estimating that 650,000 people have died in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion. The study was conducted by American and Iraqi researchers and published in the prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet. This link goes to an…

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