Bill Maher on John McCain, the “surge” and religion

If you want to know what Bill Maher is up to, check out this article at I found the interview to be equally thoughtful and frank--the antithesis of political talk. For instance, on McCain and Iraq Maher says: It's already a partitioned country. What are we fighting for over…

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Bush admits he doesn’t know what’s going on in Iraq

Today ABC's Martha Raddatz asked Bush whether Iraq was embroiled in a civil war. Bush:  "It's hard for me living in this beautiful White House to give you an assessment, a first hand assessment . . ." Bush continued on: I haven't been there. You have, I haven't. But I…

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Bushchromium is not a new element.

Recent reports of the discovery of a new element which has been called “Bushcromium” have been discredited by the recent discovery of a nearly identical form of the element which is called “Poppium” It appears that the characteristics of Bushcromium and Poppium are nearly identical, with both sharing some of…

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Who gets assassinated? Who owns the country? Why won’t we improve education? Ask George Carlin.

This is a 13-minute presentation Carlin delivered on August 28, 2006. According to Carlin, as the country continues to deteriorate, “Nobody seems to notice.  Nobody seems to care.” Comment posted at the video site:  “As in feudal days, it seems that the jester is the only one left allowed to…

Continue ReadingWho gets assassinated? Who owns the country? Why won’t we improve education? Ask George Carlin.