Gore Vidal: Dennis Kucinich unfairly excluded from Iowa debate

You can read Vidal's article at Truthdig: I don’t know how many of you were as appalled as I was at the way that the presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich was totally erased from the last Democratic debate held in Iowa.  This was a decision that was made, I can tell,…

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Let’s force the GOP candidates to really come clean on religion.

Who is the holiest candidate, the one most likely to sit at God’s right hand? We need to know this now, of course, because the religious integrity of the White House is at stake! 

I beg you.  Let me be the one who cross-examines the GOP candidates on the topic of religion.  Why?  Because I insist on asking simple questions and I demand simple answers.  The disturbing information we already know is just the tip of the iceberg. I promise that I will be relentless and aggressive.  I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get started.  No crucifix left unturned!  Where do I sign up? There are so many religious issues I would like to explore with the GOP candidates . . . 

Let’s start with Mitt Romney.  Mitt is working nonstop to convince us how incredibly important his religion is to him, but refusing to acknowledge any of his basic beliefs.  Why not, Mitt?  Are you afraid that the late night talk shows would tack on a laugh track when you explain the Mormon claim that Jesus walked about and taught American natives almost 2,000 years ago?  Or does it embarrass you that the great prophet Joseph Smith, who had 48 wives and stuck his face into a hat in order to interpret sacred writings?

Mitt, if you really believe the things most Mormons claim to believe, why not just tell us?  Are you hesitant, perhaps, because reputable archaeologists and anthropologists view the entire Book of Mormon as


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Meet Mike Huckabee

The NYT has written a long piece of Mike Huckabee. Who is he?  Huckabee is an admirer of the late Jerry Falwell (whose son, Jerry Jr., recently endorsed his candidacy) and subscribes wholeheartedly to the principles of the Moral Majority. He also affirms the Baptist Faith and Message statement: ‘‘The…

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How the Internet has changed political campaigning

On Bill Moyers' Journal, Bill Moyers discussed this multifaceted issue with Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.  This video is well worth watching for many reasons.  The introduction includes a clip of John F. Kennedy's 1960 speech to Southern Baptist…

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Huckabee the Pastor “explains” Creation

Mike Huckabee doesn't want to discuss the sermons he gave while he served as an evangelical pastor. Why not? Is he embarrasssed? Tim Grieve of Salon.com's  "War Room" writes about the evolution of Huckabee's "explanation" about how people came to exist on Earth.   In one of Huckabee's early documented sermons he…

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