George Carlin, on divorcing one’s self from having a stake in the human adventure

George Carlin is preparing for another HBO special, this one on "not giving a #%&@."  Carlin was recently interviewed by's Heather Havrilesky.  I'd recommend signing up for Salon's Premium membership, to give you access to Carlin's full interview [Salon Premium is $29/year, with lots of extras thrown in].  Here's Carlin…

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Who is paying uninterested people to tie up seats for FCC hearings on Net Neutrality?

Was it Comcast?  Whoever it was, this tactic is disgusting. There was huge turnout at [the Feb 25] public hearing in Boston on the future of the Internet. Hundreds of concerned citizens arrived to speak out on the importance of an open Internet. Many took the day off from work…

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Barack Obama gets it right

Earlier this week, the AP reporter Nedra Pickler published an odious story that questioned Barack Obama's patriotism through insinuation. The entire focus of the story was to imply that Sen. Obama may not be sufficiently patriotic to be president because he doesn't wear an American flag pin, and because he…

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Marty Kaplan on the pros and cons of Ralph Nader’s candidacy

Marty Kaplan, a research professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication, repeatedly raises important points relating to our dysfunctional news media. He posted today on his ambivalence with the recently announced candidacy of Ralph Nader. Nader, who skipped the primaries, says that his third-party race will inject into the…

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The night the plagiarism charge died

The "plagiarism" charge died last night. Actually, it was already dead. But maybe, just maybe, Hillary Clinton finally realizes it. During her debate with Barack Obama, when she pulled out her well-rehearsed plagiarism charge she was greeted with a bit of applause, then a shower of boos by the audience.…

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