John McCain bribes the media; the media accepts

In some of my previous posts both here on Dangerous Intersection and on Daylight Atheism, I've done my best to call attention to the corrupt, degraded state of most of today's major news-gathering organizations. But a story I read today is truly the most astonishing example yet - both in…

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New York Governor Eliot Spitzer fails the “I’m sorry” test regarding the prostitute.

Perhaps Elliot Spitzer was really sorry for having sex with a prostitute from the Emperor’s Club, but he failed the I’m sorry Test.  Why?  For two reasons.  Because it wasn’t Spitzer’s turn to apologize and his apology was mis-directed. 

It was George W. Bush’s turn to apologize, I’m fairly certain.   Why do I write this?  Because Bush has done each of the following:

  • Plunged the U.S. into armed combat and an extended occupation of Iraq based on numerous lies.
  • Mismanaged the medical treatment of veterans at Walter Reed.
  • Mishandled Plamegate (Chief of Staff to the Vice President was convicted of perjury).
  • Mishandled Iraq (assuming that we should have been there at all), due to lack of preparation for occupation, looting, including the National Museum, too few troops, lack of training, lack of equipment, lack of securing loose Iraqi munitions, disbanding the Iraqi army . . .
  • Invited no bid contracts in Iraq, including to Halliburton and companies that provide mercenaries with little or no accountability.
  • Encouraged torture, indefinite detention, the end of habeas corpus, and kangaroo courts.
  • Mishandled the political firing of US attorneys.
  • “Heck of a job, Brownie,”
  • Authorized warrantless NSA wiretapping in October 2001.
  • Allowed extraordinary rendition to facilitate interrogation by torture
  • Maintained cozy corrupt relationships with K Street Lobbyists.
  • Allowed Cheney’s Energy Policy and refused to divulge the oil industry participation.
  • Encouraged financially irresponsible cuts for the wealthiest, big corporations.
  • Denied of Global warming and its human causes.
  • Attempted to disband the 911 Commission.
  • Damaged to

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What did Barack Obama say about invading Iraq in 2002?

Obama's full speech is here.    What follows is a long excerpt from this October 2, 2002 speech: Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and…

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Who is better equipped to answer that phone at 3 am?

Larry David is convinced that it's not Hillary Clinton: Here's an idea for an Obama ad: a montage of Clinton's Sybillish personalities that have surfaced during the campaign with a solemn voiceover at the end saying, "Does anyone want this nut answering the phone?" How is it that she became…

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