How to create a diploma mill: How to legally become the President of a fake college.

I once created a fake college and I'm proud of it. This might strike you as odd, because most people who create diploma mills are doing so to make a quick buck by passing out bogus college degrees.  These fake diplomas, in turn, allow unqualified people to get promotions and…

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There might not be a “plausible” way out of this country’s financial mess.

There might not be a plausible way out of our country's financial mess.  That's the opinion of Kevin Phillips, a former republican strategist who works as an economics commentator.  What are the main problems?  [P]hony Washington statistics and warped market measurements make it doubly hard to tell. The federal Consumer…

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The daily cost of the Iraq occupation: $720 million

What is a meaningful way of understanding the immense amount of money the United States spends in Iraq each day? This simple video by American Friends Service Committee compellingly gets this point across. How does one most fairly frame this issue of what the United States is spending in Iraq?…

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Drug War Arcadio Esquivel, La Prensa, Panama,     Soldier Readiness Processing Mike Keefe, The Denver Post     Money No Good Mike Lester - The Rome News-Tribune   Heck of a job, economy RJ Matson, The St. Louis Post Dispatch   Barbed Wire China Olympics Alen Lauzan Falcon,…

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