Bush National Security Advisor doesn’t know the difference between Nepal and Tibet

This incredible video was posted on Huffpo.    In the video, President Bush's National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley (who was appearing on ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos) repeatedly confused Nepal and Tibet.   Watching this clip, I wonder whether Stephanopoulos caught the problem.   Apparently not, so shame on both of them. …

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Center For Inquiry questions politically-skewed high school textbook for classes on U.S. government

I read quite a few textbook quotes from this report and I must agree:  they are shockingly inaccurate.  This book repeatedly pushes the conservative line, even when the facts don't support it--just like the Bush Administration.   The existence of this high school textbook is yet more evidence that we are…

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Director Phil Donahue discusses the sanitizing of the Iraq occupation.

In this Truthout interview (by Geoffry Millard), Phil Donahue exhorts: "Don't sanitize the war."  Who are the perpetrators of this effort to sanitize the war?  Politicians and the media, for starters.  That effort to sanitize the bloody U.S. occupation of Iraq is the main message of the newly-released movie that…

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Republican politics and America’s stunted media

Glenn Greenwald has just written a new book, Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Myths of Republican Politics.  He has released a long excerpt on Huffpo.  Here is a sampling.  Great American Hypocrites examines the deceitful, personality-based election tactics the Right uses to build absurd cults of personality around their leaders…

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