Big problems with how we nominate our president

Marty Kaplan writes about big  problems with our political primary system: What I'm trying to get at is the stupendous sense of powerlessness among our citizenry that our current political system has created. It's as though the best democracy can do is to cough up this beast that we're being…

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The Devil In Memphis

I received the following from a friend of mine, who sent it to his local paper as well. I’ve asked his permission to post it here, in its entirety. It concerns an issue which, while we may hope represents an unfortunate part of our history long outgrown, still rears its…

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How to identify a morally deviant political party

According to this post at Alternet, there are many forms of rampant self-indulgence.  The GOP specializes in the most pernicious forms: While the culture at large was adjusting to the idea that families don't all look the same and that private sexual morality was not the business of the state,…

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