Who are the Congressional elite?

According to this article in Harpers, the Congressional elite include most of the members of Congress.   Consider this, for example: Since 2005, at just ten of D.C.'s priciest restaurants, House membvers have spent more than $5.4 million of political funds. The title to the article is "Beltway bacchanal: Congress lives…

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Smear job on John McCain unjustified, unless…

It appears that John McCain has put himself into situations suggesting that he had an sexual affair with a 40-year-old female lobbyist.  This politically devastating information can't possibly be relevant to the current presidential campaign, unless... Unless McCain has long-supported a political party that has consciously decided to make sexual…

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What’s a good way to get a superdelegate’s support?

Here in America, we get the support of superdelegates the tried and true way.   If you want a superdelegate's support, pay them money.   This sordid practice was described by Massie Ritsch, Communications Director for the Center for Responsive Politics, in an interview with Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow: MASSIE RITSCH: Well,…

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Ralph Nader’s open letter to President Bush regarding the needless deaths of 58,000 Americans every year.

Ralph Nader recently sent a pointed letter to President Bush.   The letter concerned a annual national tragedy of 58,000 of needless workplace deaths.  Here is an excerpt (from Common Dreams): Dear President Bush: I was listening to your address before the self-described Conservative Political Action Committee gathering in Washington, D.C.…

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Bush: No need to look for fraud in Afghanistan or Iraq!

New unbelievable rule from the Bush Administration, as reported by MSNBC: A Bush administration plan to crack down on contract fraud has a multibillion-dollar loophole: The proposal to force companies to report abuse of taxpayer money will not apply to work overseas, including projects to secure and rebuild Iraq and…

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