Nixon more Liberal than Obama?

Fascinating article in Daily Kos. Here's some of Nixon's accomplishments (granted, that he had a different Congress):

1969 - Nixon enters peace negotiations with North Viet Nam 1970 - Nixon negotiates permanent deal with USSR not to use Cienfuegos (Cuba) for ballistic missile Submarines 1971 - Nixon increases arms sales and loans to Israel 1972 - Nixon enters into successful SALT talks with USSR 1973 - Nixon withdraws thousands of troops from VietNam, ends draft. 1973 - Nixon agrees to support Israel, begins airlift that allows Israel to counterattack. Nixon and the USSR negotiate a peace protecting Israel and ending the war.
Big sections on domestic policies too. Well worth a read.

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Putting Larry Summers in charge of the Federal Reserve is absurd

Lee Camp explains why it is absurd for Barack Obama to even be considering putting Larry Summers in charge of the Federal Reserve. Here is the referenced article by Greg Palast. Here's an excerpt:

The Memo confirmed every conspiracy freak's fantasy: that in the late 1990s, the top US Treasury officials secretly conspired with a small cabal of banker big-shots to rip apart financial regulation across the planet. When you see 26.3% unemployment in Spain, desperation and hunger in Greece, riots in Indonesia and Detroit in bankruptcy, go back to this End Game memo, the genesis of the blood and tears. The Treasury official playing the bankers' secret End Game was Larry Summers. Today, Summers is Barack Obama's leading choice for Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, the world's central bank. If the confidential memo is authentic, then Summers shouldn't be serving on the Fed, he should be serving hard time in some dungeon reserved for the criminally insane of the finance world. The memo is authentic.

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Obama administration tries running Bush’s WMD play to beat war drums

Continuing the many ways in which the Surveiller-in-Chief is resembling George W. Bush, Obama is now pushing for military action in Syria, using the retread justification of Weapons of Mass Destruction (gasp!). [More]

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