T-shirts with Darwin slogans
If you're looking for t-shirts with Darwin images and slogans, look no further.
If you're looking for t-shirts with Darwin images and slogans, look no further.
I wrote the initial draft of this post using my Ipod's Wordpress application, tip-tapping away as I sat in the very class that inspired it. A required class is worse than an elective class. A simple and inevitable process ensures this. Making any college course a requirement for graduation ensures that more students will enroll in the course. This enrollment will necessarily include disinterested students- kids who would never take the class if they didn't have to. These students will only meet the minimum standards to achieve graduation. A mass of disinterested students sucks the life out of a classroom. Responses must be pulled like so many teeth, and more people sleep and scribble on their desks than take notes. Out of boredom, a few play games on their laptops or write blog entries on their iPods. No one makes the effort to go over the required readings. No one shows up to class if they have a choice. Usually, attendance is made into a requirement itself.
Here it is. Wow. The title is "Dammit I’m Mad." How in the world does one do something like this? How can anyone have time to create such a complicated work, especially when he has more than 160,000 friends?
What's it like being a statue in a garden shop? Is it fun or is it like being trapped in Sartre's No Exit?
I was starting in on a relaxing coffee break with a friend, when I noticed something amiss with my beverage. My latte was fine. The problem was the mug. It was advertising a popular soft drink. A product not associated with a mug. A product generally served cold. I wonder what the marketing genius was on when he thought of this odd juxtaposition. Or am I now doing exactly what was intended; shilling a product by dissing its presentation?