Charlie Rose tries to understand Iraq

Charlie Rose is having such a difficult time listening to his guests, because he has so obviously bought into the standard mainstream media view on the Iraq conflict (which is essentially the view developed by the Bush Administration).   He appears simultaneously ignorant yet preachy as two men with genuine familiarity with…

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John McCain bribes the media; the media accepts

In some of my previous posts both here on Dangerous Intersection and on Daylight Atheism, I've done my best to call attention to the corrupt, degraded state of most of today's major news-gathering organizations. But a story I read today is truly the most astonishing example yet - both in…

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Who is paying uninterested people to tie up seats for FCC hearings on Net Neutrality?

Was it Comcast?  Whoever it was, this tactic is disgusting. There was huge turnout at [the Feb 25] public hearing in Boston on the future of the Internet. Hundreds of concerned citizens arrived to speak out on the importance of an open Internet. Many took the day off from work…

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