The Election

Superlatives aside, I think everyone can agree that we have one those Major Elections coming up that are purported to mark Turning Points in History. We've seen many so touted that weren't. It may be that the presidents involved in those Non Major Elections went on to be remarkable due…

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McCain conveniently finds his way to church, just in time for the election

If you want to read some first-rate writing that harpoons one of America’s best-known liars, check out Matt Taibbi’s new article in Rolling Stone, entitled, “Without a Prayer.” Here are a few of his gems, but really do go read the full article. Not many writers are this dangerous with…

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The burden of proof. THIS is why the race for President isn’t already over.

Why is John McCain still competitive? Bob Cesca hits the nail on the head with this post: In scientific terms, the left has been tagged by the corporate media as the "experimental group" while the right is the "control group." The Republicans are the Awesome Republicans no matter what. They're…

Continue ReadingThe burden of proof. THIS is why the race for President isn’t already over.

One national news outlet (MSNBC) hammers McCain’s sleazy ad

It happened twice on MSNBC, triggered by John McCain's latest tactic: an ad suggesting that Barack Obama was dissing the troops when it is clear that John McCain is dissing the troops through his legislative actions. As the commentator from Air America makes clear, there is a big difference between…

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Churches: Places where rich people go to get God’s approval to live lavishly

MSNBC has recently reported on the prosperity gospel of Televangelist Kenneth Copeland, which appears to be benefiting mostly---Kenneth Copeland and his relatives. Kenneth Copeland, 71, is a pioneer of the prosperity gospel, which teaches that believers are destined to flourish spiritually, physically and financially — and share the wealth with…

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