
JANUARY 4, 2009Public Memorial Service for the Late “First Lady of Star Trek” Majel Barrett Roddenberry Cast Members and Fans Come Out to Celebrate and Remember Roddenberry’s Life WHO: Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, son of Gene & Majel Roddenberry and CEO of Roddenberry Productions, will host cast members, family, friends and…

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Lawrence Lessig: Disband the FCC

Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig is a student of history.  He has documented that, despite their proclaimed goals, most government regulatory agencies end up promoting "excessive government favors and excessive private monopoly power." In light of this history,) Lessig recommends that we disband the FCC and that we replace it…

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Mangers Endangered

No one else here has yet mentioned this foo-fah-rah that emerged in the Washington state capitol in Olympia, and is spreading to others. Several governors have allowed Nativity scenes to be erected in their Capitol rotundas. In Washington state, the regional atheists got permission to put up an adjacent sign…

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The Emperor’s new shoes

Compare this: But among the crowds a little child suddenly gasped out, "But he hasn't got anything on." With this report from Think Progress: McClatchy identified the man as Iraqi television journalist Muthathar al Zaidi and reports he threw both of his shoes at Bush just after he finished prepared…

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CNN Gives Science Short Shrift

Do you remember when CNN brought us 6 hours of live coverage of a war before the White House admitted that we were in one? Gulf War I forced a change in the relationship between official truth (Pravda) and media observation. Now, in the aftermath of Son of Gulf War,…

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