Montana judge sticks her neck out for terminally ill patients

Let's see . . . who should have the final say over whether a terminally ill person has suffered enough and should be allowed to check out of life Earth.  Based on the debacle involving Terry Schiavo I'm betting that the country will be split down the middle in this…

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Why are humans so repulsed by the idea that they are animals?

Why are humans so repulsed by the idea that they are animals?  Perhaps "Terror Management Theory" can shine some light on this important issue. When I started this blog in 2006, one idea that motivated me was that human beings simply can't deal with the idea that they are animals.…

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Bostonians – help Fred Phelps!

Wait, what? Yeah, you heard right. Help Fred Phelps & his Westboro clan of deluded, life-wasting, really-shitty-sign-writing hate-mongers (and their hapless children, for whom I have the greatest sympathy). Joe Brummer has the scoop: Fred Phelps’ clan is coming to Boston! The “God Hates Fags” Westboro Baptist Church is coming to picket…

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U.S. torture program results in thousands of U.S. deaths

In an interview with The Washington Post, a U.S. Air Force counter-intelligence specialist explains that he was aghast when he saw how the U.S. was continuing to torture prisoners, even after he arrived in 2006.   He further learned, based on first-hand interviews he conducted, that the torture committed by the…

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Paul Kurtz: Belief in God is not essential for moral virtue.

Paul Kurtz is the chairman and founder of the Center for Inquiry and the Editor-in-Chief of FREE INQUIRY Magazine.   He is also a prolific author.   Kurtz is featured in a Washington Post article entitled, "Belief in God Essential for Moral Virtue?"  This is a succinct article that is well worth…

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