Al Jazeera takes a look at Kentucky voter attitudes regarding race

This is a fascinating video, which I learned of at Daily Kos. Now that we've dragged some of those wacko preachers out into the limelight, maybe it's time to focus those cameras on the bigots.  Sunshine is great disinfectant. [youtube][/youtube]

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Can Nuisance Suits Stop the Insidious Spread of Evolutionary Understanding?

Apparently the Pacific Justice Institute is suing a couple of Berkeley professors for putting up a website that explains evolution. The PJI apparently sues anyone who might constrain Christian evangelism in America, including in public schools. I read about this current suit here, on CitizenLink is a newsletter for…

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Schlafly, Again

We have a nice brewery run by the Schlafly family in our town. A town already renowned for beer. But a relative by marriage is more famous than the beer because of her stance against women's rights and against progress through knowledge. Yes, Phyllis Schlafly is in the local news…

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World Renowned Creationist Arrested, Convicted

According to this article, essentially copied from the AP, Adnan Oktar, who writes as Harun Yahya, has been convicted of fraud. His extensive organization has the goal to persuade the world (or at least the schools therein) of the Truth of Young Earth Creationism, as revealed in the Bible. In…

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