Al Jazeera takes a look at Kentucky voter attitudes regarding race

This is a fascinating video, which I learned of at Daily Kos. Now that we've dragged some of those wacko preachers out into the limelight, maybe it's time to focus those cameras on the bigots.  Sunshine is great disinfectant. [youtube][/youtube]

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Scientists are now required to treat plants ethically

In the April 24, 2008 edition of Nature (available online only with a subscription), it is reported that the Swiss Federal Government has issued guidelines to help granting agencies "decide which research applications deeply offend the dignity of plants." Those studies that fail to treat plants with "dignity" won't be…

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Before We Congratulate Ourselves On Our Tolerance and Maturity

The disturbing part of this story is the reactions of so-called medical professionals to this couple's situation and decision. Now there are two ways to look at this. The one that might make more sense (though certainly no more palatable) is that these physicians et al are concerned with Insurance…

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The precise anatomy of the modern Republican brain.

I've spent a lot of time studying Republican political anatomy.   You see, I'm not only an armchair anthropologist, but I'm a social neuro-surgeon (a brand-new expertise, created today).   After careful review of all available relevant data, I have developed a precise chart (click on the thumbnail below) detailing each of…

Continue ReadingThe precise anatomy of the modern Republican brain.