Mangers Endangered

No one else here has yet mentioned this foo-fah-rah that emerged in the Washington state capitol in Olympia, and is spreading to others. Several governors have allowed Nativity scenes to be erected in their Capitol rotundas. In Washington state, the regional atheists got permission to put up an adjacent sign…

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One of the most egregious parts of the “Patriot Act” is held unconstitutional

Yesterday, one of the most egregious parts of the "Patriot Act" was held unconstitutional by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.   This decision was a no-brainer, but you can never take things for granted.  The ACLU website summarizes the decision.   Here's an excerpt: A federal appeals court today upheld,…

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Ed Brayton discovers a GOP member who’s woken up

Ed adds a nice commentary at the end of his latest post, detailing James Richardson's call for the GOP to get real and stop pandering to ignorance and bigotry: The country has changed dramatically over the last 30 years. With more and more gay and lesbian Americans coming out of…

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Labels, Living, Categories, Culture

Here is a link to an excellent essay by two of my best friends.  It talks about how labeling plays out in both art and real life and how labels are both irrelevant and destructive. I attended that workshop they refer to, Clarion, and that's where I met them.  That…

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Bostonians – help Fred Phelps!

Wait, what? Yeah, you heard right. Help Fred Phelps & his Westboro clan of deluded, life-wasting, really-shitty-sign-writing hate-mongers (and their hapless children, for whom I have the greatest sympathy). Joe Brummer has the scoop: Fred Phelps’ clan is coming to Boston! The “God Hates Fags” Westboro Baptist Church is coming to picket…

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