Another surprising church sign
I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes: I guess we are making a few converts out there.
I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes: I guess we are making a few converts out there.
I'm not addicted to web videos . . . Really. I don't think I am. Am I? Oh, come on! Watch this skate-boarding doggie and tell me it didn't make you smile. This video really makes me want to know how to train a dog to do these tricks.
I've been fighting two consecutive colds over the past ten days, so I've pulled back a bit on my writing. Yesterday I spent some time looking for some interesting videos with my six-year old daughter. We both enjoy setting up strings of dominos and letting them fall. I didn't realize, though, that…
I know. I'm getting a bit too habituated collecting and posting whimsical items these days. But this one was just too good to turn down. It's almost the end of the semester and this post is dedicated to all of those teachers out there who are busy grading all of…
How do people who believe the Bible to be inerrant reconcile the Old Testmament version of God with the New Testament's version? They don't often try. Rather, they cherry pick. They tell the Noah story by focusing on God's "saving" of Noah's family, rather than firmly acknowledging God's decision to commit cold senseless genocide…