Betty Bowers explains marriage according to the Bible

Mrs. Betty Bowers doesn't mince words, and she is not dissuaded by inconvenient truth. In the following video, she explains traditional marriage, making many references to the Bible itself to back up her statements. Rarely, does it seem, that a Bible marriage is between one man and one woman: Betty also comments on many other aspects of the Christian religions. Her credentials? She proclaims that she is "America's Best Christian." If you want more quirky information about religion, also consider visiting the site of Landover Baptist Church. There is a special section on Mitt Romney, including a video featuring, in an earnest way, many of the beliefs of Mormonism.

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Wacky Conspiracy

Sure, the Birthers and Truthers are ramping up their positions this election year. But how about this? Step one: Note an uptick in gun violence as the weather warms up (as recently has been reported in places like Seattle). Step Two: Encourage the "Liberal Media" like Fox News and CNN to run with the statistical spike, rolling out regular stories about gun violence. Step Three: Sit back as the predictable political posturing by liberal politicians results in writing moderate gun control legislation. Step Four: Respond in the early fall with a fervent campaign push saying, "See? We Told you Obama is after your guns!" Result: Getting out the conservative voters who otherwise wouldn't bother voting for that Mormon not-conservative-enough Romney.

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