The Election

Superlatives aside, I think everyone can agree that we have one those Major Elections coming up that are purported to mark Turning Points in History. We've seen many so touted that weren't. It may be that the presidents involved in those Non Major Elections went on to be remarkable due…

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Penises and Proselytes

The chamber, flickering by massed candle light, is stuffy and just a bit noisy from all the shfting fabric and heavy breathing, muttered comments and borborigmi. The couple in the opulent bed seem annoyed, but they're forcing themselves to play along and be jolly. He manages---he's been through this before,…

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The Footprints of Creative Creationists

There is yet another story going around about dinosaur and human footprints found together in ancient (maybe 4,000 years old!) rock. Here is the local credulous Texas take on the find. All the previous pictures of contemporaneous dinosaur and human footprints provided by these people showed that humans used to…

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The Frackin’ Cracker Tempest

In case you've been out of touch, a student in Florida took Our Lord Jesus Christ hostage a few weeks ago. He walked out of church with a consecrated communion wafer to show to a friend, rather than promptly eating the true flesh of the 2000 year old man. Ignoring…

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