Fearing the Campaign

I was reading my daily dose of blood pressure spike (creationism news) when I found this tidbit on TheConservativeVoice.com: It is my strongly held belief as a conservative, pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-family, pro-creationism vs Darwinian Evolution believer that there is no way in God's green earth that that old white…

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Obama’s Potential Progressivism

Barack Obama has, for all intents and purposes, clinched the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Hillary will jocky for position in before the upcoming convention. Much speculation has been thrown about as to whether or not she'll be a vice presidential nominee. I am dubious of that. Dubious that Obama…

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You Don’t Believe in Science

You read that right! No reader of Dangerous Intersection, radical materialist or hard-bitten skeptic believes in science. To say otherwise is to give a false impression of what science actually is. Science is not something in which a person believes or does not believe. Science is not a belief system; it has no holy screeds or sacred tenets. It is merely a tool, a method of gleaning knowledge, and the language used in reference to it should reflect this.

What on earth am I ranting about? Well, it goes back a few years to the Discovery Institute, and spans all the way to the present with Ben Stein’s film Expelled. The intelligent design/evolution debate has become quite the pop topic, and hence, the endless battle of science vs. religion has come into everyday discussion as well. Everyday people in normal daily settings run through these issues, turning any public place into a potential battleground.

I’ve heard a lot of the less experienced science advocates say things about science that frankly aren’t accurate. While these people mean very well, they fail to frame their debates properly, and the content of the discussion suffers for it. Since science vs. religion has become as much a layman’s debate as an expert’s one, I think the time has come for those of us on the science side of things to agree on the language we should use.

I have no expertise in science, religion or philosophy, I have no refined understanding of the …


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Assassination on Hillary’s mind . . .

David Rees has it about right regarding Hillary's dramatic public display of her overactive id. Hillary Clinton is remarkable for her willingness to make her argument to elect her because, if Barack Obama is elected, he won't be able to stay alive long enough to make it worth our while.…

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Can Nuisance Suits Stop the Insidious Spread of Evolutionary Understanding?

Apparently the Pacific Justice Institute is suing a couple of Berkeley professors for putting up a website that explains evolution. The PJI apparently sues anyone who might constrain Christian evangelism in America, including in public schools. I read about this current suit here, on CitizenLink.org. CitizenLink is a newsletter for…

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