Baked kale as substitute for potato chips
Over the past year, baked kale has become a favorite snack for my family. It recently occurred to me that we now eat baked kale much like many families eat bags of potato chips. If you bake kale, it becomes light and a bit crispy. Our children enjoy it as much as the adults. Here's the recipe we use. Wash your kale, then pull off the leaves into bite sized pieces. Spin the kale in a salad spinner to get rid of all the moisture (or else the kale will get soggy when you bake it). Drizzle a bit of oil on the kale (we use canola) and toss the kale to evenly coat it with a very thin coat. Spread the pieces of kale on a baking pan, and lightly salt it. Bake at about 350 degrees for about 8 minutes. The kale is ready when the tips start to brown. Enjoy.