What if climate change is a big hoax?
What if climate change is a big hoax? Indeed.
What if climate change is a big hoax? Indeed.
The Onion reports:
"By killing off the No. 1 threat to the environment, new Marlboro Earths will have a long-term effect on the overall health of our planet," Philip Morris spokesperson Janet Weiss said. "If everyone in America does their part and joins our new green-smoking movement, then together we can eradicate man's destructive practices once and for all."
AT Salon.com, Ryan Brown reviews a new book by Stan Cox, "Losing our Cool." The topic is air conditioning. It inefficiently keeps us cool, but there are quite a few negatives that we need to consider:
We stay inside longer, exercise less, and get sick more often — and the electricity used to power all that A.C. is helping push the fast-forward button on global warming. The invention has also changed American politics: Love it or hate it, refrigerated cooling has been a major boon to the Republican Party. The advent of A.C. helped launch the massive Southern and Western population growth that’s transformed our electoral map in the last half century.
BP has been given substantial access to BP operations and meetings to a Louisiana shrimper's wife named Kindra Arnesen. What she is now saying won't make BP happy. BP is putting on lots of dog and pony shows in the Gulf, and Arnesen is voicing safety concerns too.
This is what rush hour looks like in Utrecht, the 4th largest city in the Netherlands. 33% of all trips are made by bicycle.