Let’s see. What oil rich region should the United States next invade? Hmmm. Politicians and oil companies are increasingly telling us that our future oil lies in the tar sands of Canada. Only one thing lies between the United States and that oil: Canada might not simply give us their tar sands. Problems like these, however, are ready-made for the United States military solutions. Hence, today I imagined that we might soon see the following news story.
I don't really believe that the United States has any plans to invade Canada, but I am trying to make a few serious points with this image.
We all know how to pull this sort of land grab, because Americans are well-practiced in simply taking land from other people (ask Mexico and native Americans, and check out the size of the
American Embassy in Iraq). We are experts at
inventing the need to go to war. Here's a simplified version of the plan: We claim that there are weapons of mass destruction in Canada. We claim that there are French terrorists threatening America; we are good at
inventing stories that serve as
excuses to go to war. Our mass-media goes along with the ploy because they are amoral conflict-mongers. Eventually, the United States simply takes over the tar sands region of Canada. Or at least that's how it goes in my imagination.
It’s increasingly clear we have entered peak
world-wide oil production, but American politicians don’t not dare to urge American citizens to cut down on their use of energy. Conservation is widely seen as un-American because it is usually framed as an approach that deprives Americans of their life-style, even though conservation and renewable energy
makes far too much sense on many levels. And all of this crazy framing of the debate takes place while reputable scientists are offering solid evidence that with current technology and reasonable conservation measures we could now begin
replace much of American fossil fuel usage with renewables.
If I had to place a bet, though, I would put my chips on a future where Americans continue, as long as they are financially and militarily able, to engage in profligate oil usage (we use more than 9,000 gallons per second, enough to
fill an Olympic sized swimming pool every minute of every day). They will do this despite the fact that tar sands oil is
an environmental disaster in the making .