I don’t know

“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."  Ludwig Wittgenstein We are suffering greatly because too many people are incapable of saying “I don’t know.”  Why can’t people simply say “I don’t know” when they don’t know?  Is it because so many of us were chastised in school when…

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I’m looking for help putting together a questionnaire.

I'm planning on packing my camcorder and asking a few dozen random people some questions to test their knowledge on various topics.  I'm doing this because I suspect that many people lack basic knowledge regarding important topics.  Other questions are geared to checking people's attitudes regarding important issues. Below you…

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Reading In America

In a recent poll, reading in America is revealed to be, well, less than appreciated by large swaths of the population. This ought come as no surprise. We live in a time of stupendous ignorance, which allows for the expression of epic stupidity. The Founding Fathers were suspicious of democracy…

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Phobic Innumeracy

In an article from the Washington Post we learn that the United States has slipped in the ranking for life expectancy in the world to number 42. Douglas Adams aside, this is not a good thing. The article lists a good many factors contributing to this fact, which seems paradoxical…

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