25th Anniversary of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory

The Wall Street Journal has published a short article commemorating the book in which psychologist Howard Gardner announced his theory of the "multiple intelligences": Frames of Mind (1983).   [I'd recommend starting with Gardner's 2000 sequel: Intelligence Reframed]. This WSJ article is light-hearted, though it makes some serious points along the way.   It reads…

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Farewell speech by upbeat pancreatic cancer patient

This speaker's name is Randy Pausch. This video shows a farewell speech that Pausch originally gave to his students at Carnegie Mellon. This video is well worth your eleven minutes, especially if you have far more than eleven minutes to live. One of Pausch's closing lines: "If you live properly,…

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Susan Jacoby argues that America has entered the “age of unreason.”

In this interview on Bill Moyers' Feb 15, 2008 show (see the video here), author Susan Jacoby argues that we are now struggling with ignorance as a political crisis. She argues that we are obsessed with small personal facts at the expense of important issues. Most Americans don't spend the necessary time to have a legitimate base of knowledge from which to make important decisions. Yet politicians dare not address this crisis of ignorance. They won't talk about the political significance of public ignorance, even though it is the widespread public ignorance of basic facts that "makes serious deception possible and plausible." Jacoby offers quite a few anecdotes. One of these anecdotes is about Franklin Delano Roosevelt's radio addresses during World War II. Roosevelt urged his listeners to go get a map and to look at the map while he talked about the significant events of that war. It's hard to imagine any political figure doing that today. Jacoby cites statistics indicating that only a small number of today's high school graduates have any idea of where the various countries of the Middle East are located on a world map on which the country boundaries are drawn. She takes it as a truism that our political culture is a reflection of our general culture. We don't want to learn anymore. We go to websites and we attend lectures only when we want to hear information that reinforces what we are ready know. Only a small minority of people are any longer willing to learn from people with whom they disagree. Jacoby blames this on the reduced attention span of Americans.It also has to do with the number of Americans who exercise critical thinking. One-half of Americans believe in ghosts. One-third of Americans believe in astrology. One-half of Americans do not believe in evolution. Jacoby party blames the media. The news media presents "truth as equidistant from two points." For example, evolution and creationism are presented as two equally valid viewpoints by the news media. Jacoby calls this tactic "dumb objectivity."She cites a shocking statistic (put forth by Stephen Prothero in a book called Religious Literacy): one-half of Americans cannot name Genesis as the first book of the Bible. This lack of information is shocking because huge numbers of Americans claim that the Bible is the most important book in the world. Here's more shocking statistics: 15% of Americans do not understand that the Earth revolves around the sun. Most Americans don't know how many Justices are on the United States Supreme Court. The ignorance goes on and on, and it is imperiling our democracy. It makes you wonder what we are spending our time doing. Here's a hint: you can find multiple magazine racks like this at most supermarkets. grocery-store-magazine-at-checkout-aisle-lo-res.jpg (Photo by Erich Vieth. Click to enlarge image).

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Inerrant Biblical Geology Falls Flat

There are 2 places in the Bible that can be interpreted (by squinting at just the right translation) as saying that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old. This point of geology is made by counting Genesis periods (“days” in most English translations) and lifetimes in the (assumed complete) genealogies (in which “months” and “years” are regularly cross-translated).

A point that the Bible makes more often and more clearly is that the world is flat. Yep, if you believe in the inerrancy of Bible, then the world is flat. The moon landing hoax conspiracy theory actually got its start from the Flat Earth Society (http://theflatearthsociety.org, or Here is a flat earth site that Google likes better).

Anyway, this is about the pure truth of the Bible with links to the 12 cited passages:

  • Dn.4:11: The tree grew, and it became strong enough and tall enough to reach the sky. It could be seen everywhere on earth.
    (Describe a shape from all points of which a vertical line can be seen)
  • Dn.2:35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
    (Describe a solid shape that another object can completely cover by expanding its size without deforming)

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February 12 is Darwin Day

Charles Darwin was born on Feb 12, 1809. This was about two generations after Leclerc published a book stating that species are interrelated, and are seen to change over time. Darwin was a bible scholar, and got a degree in Divinity (not science). But his studies of geology and then…

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