George W. Bush: The Bible is probably not literally true.

Now that he doesn't need the evangelicals to get elected (and now that John McCain doesn't need them either), George W. Bush can safely say the the Bible is "probably not literally true." In a recent interview on ABC with Charles Gibson, Bush freely admits that Muslims can go to…

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Center for Inquiry calls Vatican’s position on biomedical technology deplorable and scientifically insupportable.

The Vatican has released a 32-page document titled “Dignitas Personae” condemning numerous procedures considered “immoral” by the Catholic Church, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), the freezing of unfertilized eggs, embryonic stem cell research, and the testing of embryos to help identify those with defects. The Center for Inquiry, a…

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The Eye Has It

The journal Evolution: Education and Outreach has posted, online, free, an entire issue on the evolution of the eye.  The eye is one of those sticking points in the ongoing debate with antievolutionists.  Its complexity, its improbability, its seeming miraculous advent seems to point directly to interventionist manifestation. Admittedly, it…

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Just Looking

The story is famous and might be just a bit apocryphal, how Galileo turned his new telescope on the sky and offered to show many important people what he had found.  They refused to look, afraid to compromise the world view that bound them to their place and time.  Afraid,…

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CNN Gives Science Short Shrift

Do you remember when CNN brought us 6 hours of live coverage of a war before the White House admitted that we were in one? Gulf War I forced a change in the relationship between official truth (Pravda) and media observation. Now, in the aftermath of Son of Gulf War,…

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