What it was like living in the U.S. 100 years ago

I subscribe to Funny Times, a monthly humor publication filled with cartoons and humorous essays.  I consider it great bang for the buck, at a cost of about two dollars per issue. In the March 2008 edition of Funny Times, Phil Proctor compiled some stunning statistics in his column (he calls…

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Days “chopped into pieces”.

I want to share with everyone a passage from the opening of the movie The Gods Must be Crazy. This silly 1980s movie provides a very oversimplified, idealized image of African Bushmen, but at the same time gets its label of modern westernized man spot-on. This excerpt from the film's…

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Smear job on John McCain unjustified, unless…

It appears that John McCain has put himself into situations suggesting that he had an sexual affair with a 40-year-old female lobbyist.  This politically devastating information can't possibly be relevant to the current presidential campaign, unless... Unless McCain has long-supported a political party that has consciously decided to make sexual…

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Who’s Afraid of Barack? And why?

I watched a few minutes of a Sunday morning Fox political program, and noticed that their fair and balanced coverage of presidential politics had several distinct spins. On the republican side, McCain is the anointed candidate. On the Democrat side, the race will be decided by the super-delegates. Every bit…

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Experiencing the paradox of choice at the local Schnucks grocery store.

It's difficult to overcome the prejudice that having more choices is always better.   In The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz made a convincing case that too much choice can overload and paralyze us.   I couldn't help but think of the paradox of choice while grocery shopping yesterday.   One of the…

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