McCain won Missouri, finally.

Well, it was a dead heat. 1,442,613 vs 1,436,745 (a difference of 5,868 or 0.4%). There was a Missouri Nader vote of 17,769 that arguably made the difference. But Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida pushed the mulatto Hawaiian over the top of the elderly Panamanian by a resounding 0.1% of the…

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The Morning After An Eight Year One Night Stand

In the dim light of the bar, it seemed like such a good idea.  Things had been dull, though financially there'd been some improvement.  Time to relax, maybe have a fling.  The stranger sauntered over, holding a longneck, and leaned against the counter, smiled, and said "Hi.  Come here often?"…

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My Thoughts On Election Day

This morning we got up at four so we had time to drink coffee, wake up, and get to the polls early.  I thought the lines would be long and neither of us have patience for standing around waiting. Our poll is within easy walking distance.  Often, in local elections,…

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A few last thoughts about the upcoming elections.

What is it that's so bad about . . . What's so bad about Marxists? Is it that they exhibit a sympathy for the working class or is it their understanding of class in terms of differing relations of production?  I'm not a "Marxist" because I have some specific serious…

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