To avoid conspiracy kook-ery, Obama retakes oath.

After Tuesday's Inaugural oopsie- now obviously Justice Roberts' fault- Obama decided to retake the oath of office. I love the term that Greg Craig used when explaining the redo.  "Abundance of caution".  Read: to keep the conspiracy wingnuts from trying to oust the President on the basis of minutiae. Read:…

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In by the hair on our chinny chin chins

Yes, the Bush Administration is now gone, with Bush himself finally helicoptered out.  And just look at this exquisite satellite photo of yesterday's crowd for the swearing in! We'd like to think that the American people have now seen the light, and that we can now rationally approach solutions to…

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My relationship with Bush.

Instead of taking this day to reflect on the Inauguration and the eminent change facing us,  how oh-so different everything is going to be, and every other overstated bit of hopeful drivel with which the internet is still a-buzzing, I'd like to muse on my relationship with the outgoing president.…

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The long convoluted path to sanity, then celebration.

Today I am celebrating the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States.   I know that most of you already think of Obama's inauguration as old news, even though it only happened a few short hours ago.   Nonetheless, I am still celebrating and I'm proudly linking to a…

Continue ReadingThe long convoluted path to sanity, then celebration.