About Fraudulent Charities

I formerly worked for the Missouri Attorney General's Office and part of my job was to investigate fraudulent charities.  Beware any organization that presents itself as a charity. Many of them are blatant frauds. Case in point:

The American Red Cross took in 500M, then claimed to have provided homes for more than 130,000 people.

Investigations by ProPublica and NPR revealed that only six permanent houses were actually built with these funds. The organization had to resort to other methods like rental subsidies due to issues with land acquisition and other practical challenges.

Further accusations in Haiti were directed to the Clinton Foundation:

Keep this in mind as we figure out what is really going on with USAID.

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RFK, Jr.: Bill Gates Profited Immensely from the Pfizer COVID Vax

From Camus on X:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on How Bill Gates Made 242 Million in Pfizer Stock Scheme:

"And the last one of these was in 2020 or 2019 in October. And it was hosted by Bill Gates, I. Fauci and by Avril Haines. I'm sure a lot of you have gone and looked at this on YouTube, it's called Event 201. That same week, Bill Gates, who was overseeing this simulation, made about 1.1 million shares of BioNTech vaccine, which later became the Pfizer vaccine."

"He then sold that, almost all that stock, 87%, two years later, at a $242 million profit. And a week after that, he publicly announced the vaccine didn't work. This is what you call a pump and dump scheme."

"Because he was the guy who was on TV with his minion, Peter Hotez, who took $52 million from Gates for his, Gates made his institution. So you had the pair of them pumping up this stock for two years and then dumping it a week before he goes on TV and says, oh, it didn't work after all."

That's not all. Kennedy:

"Gates practices philanthrocapitalism. "You use philanthropy to make yourself rich and you use it strategically. He's gotten control over the WHO so that they mandate vaccines all over the world and the companies that make those vaccines are where Gates & others are shareholders."

I would like to see Gates thoroughly investigated. It's not possible to get virtually EVERYTHING wrong about COVID wrong without large amounts of bad faith money pulling the levers. https://x.com/VerseCannon/status/1832333692796326002

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Journalism Defined and Mangled by MSNBC at Madison Square Garden

Eric Weinstein schools us on the basics of journalism:

Now consider the "journalism" practiced by MSNBC when describing Trump's Madison Square Garden rally to a 1939 Nazi rally.


But that jamboree happening right now, you see it there on your screen in that place is particularly chilling because in 1939, more than 20,000 supporters of a different fascist leader, Adolf Hitler, packed the Garden for a so-called pro-America rally.

By the way, Trump's "Nazi" rally featured many people who were prominent Democrats until recently, including Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, RFK, Jr.

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Ex-Blackrock Analyist Ed Dowd Discusses the Fallout from the COVID Vax

Ed Dowd is bringing lots of bad news regarding the COVID vaccine. He's worth listening to because of his careful methodology, the fact that he is a former Blackrock financial analyst (who got red-pilled along the way, like many of us) and because the U.S. pharmacy-industrial complex is doing its damndest to keep up from learning about the adverse side-effects from the COVID vax. He discusses his findings with biologist Bret Weinstein on the Darkhorse podcast (link to full interview).

Ed is part of a team called Phinance Technologies. You can access their various projects at their website.

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How to Win the IDSA Fauci Courage in Leadership Award

What does it take to win the Rochelle Walensky Award? It takes a LOT. A lot of what? As Vinay Prasad explains, a lot of things like this:

When she was in Brookline, she advocated for school reopening, but when appointed by President Biden, who campaigned on the idea that schools were dangerous, she reversed that stance.

She met privately and discussed CDC guidance with the teachers unions.

She was dishonest about myocarditis. There is no way this was true by the end of April 2021.

The Israelis reported a rate of 1 in 3000 by February, and the EMA would soon confirm the safety signal.

Once she accepted myocarditis exists, she made no effort to lower it. No trials of spaced doses, lower or omitted doses.

She lied constantly about the evidence for masking. She lied to congress stating there was not equipoise for a trial testing if masking worked in children. This was clearly false given that the European CDC and CDC had divergent recommendations— and member states had a range of policies (e.g. Sweden never masked <12, US masked 2+). A divergence of practice is the definition of equipoise.

Walensky supported vaccine mandates, which were unethical, as COVID vaccines had never established a third party benefit.

Walensky pushed vaccines in people who had COVID— a strategy that may even be harmful.

Walensky pushed boosters in low risk populations, a decision that led to the resignation of Gruber/ Krause at FDA.

Walensky’s communication on TV was a constant mess of flip flopping and insecurity; she was a notoriously bad communicator. She even hired an outside consulting firm to help her communications, using taxpayer money.

As Prasad further explains, Anthony Fauci, for whom the award is named, got almost everything wrong, including this list (and there is a lot more that could have been on this list, including this and this and this and this.

Fauci was of course initially told the truth that multiple RCTs of community masking showed it didn’t help, then he lied about it. He never opposed masking 2 year olds.

He exaggerated the risk to kids. He opposed DeSantis in spring 2020 when DeSantis wanted to reopen schools.

Fauci was wrong about giving 2 doses to fewer people over 1 dose to more people.

Fauci was wrong to not meet with and discuss different ideas with the authors of Great Barrington Declaration.

Fauci was wrong about double masking.

Fauci was wrong about vaccine mandates and ignoring natural immunity.

Fauci was wrong about boosters for young people, vaccines for people who already had COVID.

Most notably, Fauci appears to have used Gmail to evade federal FOIA laws to conceal NIAID’s role in funding the laboratory in Wuhan to conduct gain of function research in sars-coronaviruses.

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